Walk #1

Hey guys! Two posts in one day and I am so elated, and if y’all read my last post it’s because I completed my first walk. So for everyone to know I feel amazing after it. My fatigue is 100% gone, I can feel my blood pumping, the baby is moving around, and drinking my water is not as hard of a chore! My fatigue is what gets me every single day, and I’ve read if I get a little active it’ll go away but just actually feeling it leave my body really makes it for me!

My walk was about 25 minutes long, I got a little over a mile in and my kiddos got to get some sunshine on their skin. Don’t get me wrong the last 5 minutes were chilly. We were walking up the small incline to our house and my four year old and one year old started complaining. Getting inside all of our hands were red and I was shivering but while walking in the sun it wasn’t to bad. My husband and I just got our one year old an umbrella stroller because the massive one we’ve had since he was born was getting to heavy for me to lug around. Baby H did really enjoy his new ride as well! I made sure he was all wrapped up in a fluffy blanket and that he had his hoodie on. LA our four year old ran practically the whole time outside and really enjoyed pointing out all the rocks and mailboxes.

So today really helped push me to wanting to do this everyday, because I really feel great. I know some days it wont work out due to the weather and other days due to my pregnancy. With baby H the pregnancy was a little high risk towards the end so I need to really listen to my body with this one and make sure I don’t overly push myself.

This is gonna be a really short post but I am going to add a photo of my walk information so everyone can get a look at it. I need to get a tracker for LA because he ran back and forth the entire time he was outside so he had to of gotten 2 or more miles!

Thank everyone again for coming back and getting this update. I hope this helps motivate you to starting a little routine and even mapping it like me. Please like and comment and show me what y’all have done today I wanna see it and it might even give me some ideas to add to my new routine! Please come back for the next post and always remember y’all are awesome and I’m thankful for y’all!

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