Today is the Day..

Welcome back y’all, as always thank you so much for coming back to my blog and taking your time to read my posts! Today though I have to say I am soo done with being a sit-on-my-butt-exhausted-pregnant-woman. Today guys I’m changing that!

Honestly I had been thinking about this for the last week if not two. I have been feeling crappy for a while now and what I realized with my last pregnancy with baby H I was very active. I worked a high active security job until I was about 18 weeks pregnant, then I worked for my families business which allowed me to get a good 2 mile walk in every day. Now though I am lazy. I know things like this happen to almost every woman after having a baby but goodness I need to make a change!

So today, today is the day for the change. This post here is to help keep myself on track, I get on my blog more than once a day to get motivation oh things to write. Now though I have something to go for. I am going to set a goal for myself to try and get a mile in every single day. I know some days might be impossible because I am not going to drag my one and four year olds out into freezing weather or rainy conditions. Today though, today is a little chilly, but the sun is out, there is little to no wind. So today I will drag them out and we will have fun walking the neighborhood!

What I think I need to do is to change my goal from a mile a day to seven miles of active walking a week. This mentally is easier to shoot for, because if I know cold or bad weather is coming our way I can push ourselves to walk a little further on the days we do get out and about! I am so excited to be doing this and hopefully I might even get my husband into it with me, because that cutie needs to get out with me.

So to help keep me on track, for today I will just make a post on my Facebook about how far we walked and the time it took. Bu after I drop our four year old off at school I am going to adventure to our local Hobby Lobby and get some things to make a chart. Which I’ll make cool incentives for me to push for my next goal.

So my fellow friends, family, and my continuous returners to my blog, I wanna thank y’all for taking the time to read. If y’all enjoyed what you read please star it or even comment I’d love to talk with anyone, maybe even help motivate everyone into starting their own goals! Thank you again for coming by!

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